Local services
Services in the Horsham district
Are you feeling anxious, depressed or stressed or are you concerned about someone else?
West Sussex Mind: Chanctonbury support hub
The Chanctonbury Support Hub offers one-to-one support that looks at individuals wellbeing and ‘goals’ they’d like a achieve along with physcosocial workshops (on Zoom) focusing on a range of mental health subjects. They also offer a safe online social space, through Zoom and Facebook, where people can meet other individuals in similar situations and receive peer support from each other or take part in an end of week quiz.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions it is a reduced service, but they are still supporting people with their mental health over the phone, on Zoom/Teams/Attend Anywhere, via email, text and also Facebook.
Self-refer to the service by calling/texting 07495077298 or email West Sussex Mind.
Visit the West Sussex Mind website for more information.
Horsham and Crawley Counselling Group (HCCG)
Can offer affordable counselling to adults, young people and children in Horssham & Crawley. Session fees begin at £20 and are dependent on your income. They aim to see you promptly in their comfortable counselling rooms at Alphacom House, 8a Oakhill Rd, Horsham, close to the railway station and with on street parking.
Visit the Horsham and Crawley Counselling Group website.
Rethink Mental Illness - asian language mental health helpline
Confidential freephone 0808 800 2073
Monday & Wednesday 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Tuesday & Thursday 12.00pm - 3.00pm
Counselling directory
A confidential service that encourages those in distress to seek help. The directory contains information on many different types of distress, as well as articles, news and events.
Visit the Counselling Directory website for more information about the service.
Horsham Samaritans
You don't have to have suicidal thoughts to call Samaritans. Imagine that you - or someone you know - has a problem that is growing steadily. We all have an idea of what constitutes either a big or small problem. What concerns Samaritans is how big that problem feels. If the weight of something feels huge, then it is.
Sometimes, we might not want to or be able to speak to someone close to us. We might feel embarrassed; the problem may even involve those close to us. It could be something we've never told anyone before or feel afraid of being judged by someone important to us. We simply might not want to burden anyone else. Whatever it is, Samaritans don't judge or feel burdened. Most importantly, it's OK to talk to Samaritans about that growing problem before worry turns to overwhelming despair. But if it does, they'll be there for that too. Samaritans are there every minute of every day so you can call any time.
Phone: 01403 276276 / 01293 515151 / 08457 909090
Text: 07725 909090
Visit local branch: (for face-to-face help) 21 Denne Road, Horsham RH12 1JE. Personal visiting times vary. Mostly 9am-9pm except Wednesday mornings and Friday and Sunday afternoons.