Wellbeing checks and appointments


Types of appointments available

Face to face appointments are available with a friendly Wellbeing Advisor at Horsham Wellbeing Hub in Swan Walk Shopping Centre (Horsham), Steyning Leisure Centre, Glebe Surgery (Storrington) and Billingshurst Surgery. If you are unable to travel to any of these locations we will try to arrange an appointment at a venue local to you.

We also offer telephone and online appointments, just ask a member of the team. 

Appointments are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and we also offer monthly evening clinics for those that cannot make appointments during the day. 

Wellbeing Advisor appointments

The Wellbeing team provides free one-to-one advice, guidance and support to make lifestyle changes such as losing weight, eating well, becoming more active, reducing alcohol intake and stopping smoking.

Wellbeing MOT appointments

Step onto our body composition scales to find out your fat %, muscle mass, bone mass, visceral fat, hydration levels and more! You will have the chance to talk through your results, confidentially, with a Wellbeing Advisor and decide on any steps you might want to take to help improve your health and lifestyle.

Please note that the Wellbeing MOT is not suitable if you are pregnant, have a pace maker, metal prosthesis, an artificial limb or internal medical device which can be operated remotely.

NHS Health Checks

NHS Health Check is a national programme in England for people between the ages of 40 and 74. It is a free check to assess your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease. You would have a finger-prick cholesterol test, your blood pressure taken and discuss your lifestyle and family history. This check is offered because everybody is at risk of developing these health problems, having an NHS Health Check can help you to lower your chance of developing them.

You can have an NHS Health Check once every five years and most people in the age range are eligible but there are some exceptions. If you already have any of the conditions mentioned above or you are already being treated for high cholesterol or high blood pressure then you will not be eligible. 

Contact us if you'd like to book a free appointment with an advisor either face-to-face, online or over the telephone. Call 01403 215111,email us or complete a referral form (new window).



Your Wellbeing hub
