Alcohol advice service
The Horsham Wellbeing Alcohol Service is free, confidential and is designed to support you in reducing your alcohol consumption and moving towards a healthier lifestyle.
The service is offered to anyone aged 18 or over, living or working in Horsham who recognise that their drinking has increased and are worried about their drinking, but who are not physically dependant on alcohol. Our friendly Wellbeing Advisors Lucy and Victoria offer one-to-one appointments by phone, video call or face-to-face. It is a non-judgmental service with no group work involved and people are not expected to stop drinking completely unless they want to.
What to expect:
When you first contact the service, Lucy or Victoria will get in touch to arrange for a suitable time to carry out an assessment. This assessment will involve using the AUDIT questionnaire to find out more about your drinking and help you access the right kind of support. Details of this assessment and any future appointments will not be shared with other services including your GP, unless we feel there is a risk to either yourself or to someone else.
If our service is the right one for you, throughout the course of up to 8 sessions we will support you to choose healthier and safer alternatives to alcohol, at your own pace, setting and moving towards your own goals.
Our Advisors will:
- Listen without judgement
- Help you take small steps to achieve your goals
- Offer advice, information, tools and resources to support you
- Signpost you towards other organisations who may provide further support
Clients who commit to eight sessions to reduce their drinking report:
- Better sleep
- Improved relationships
- Increased energy
- Improved short term memory
- Better focus and concentration
- Feeling more positive in their outlook
If you feel drink is sneaking up on you and you could benefit from this service, it is very easy to be referred or to refer yourself:
Call: 01403 215111
Online Referral Form (new window)
Once you have requested the alcohol service you will be contacted within 48 hours.
Have you taken the alcohol test? Find out your score by using our own Alcohol Screening Tool (PDF, 273KB - new window). If you are using a screen reader and would like a hard copy, please email Horsham Wellbeing.”
If you are concerned that you are physically dependant on alcohol, DAWN, the West Sussex Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Network is a service provided by Change Grow Live and offers support to people of any age, who are looking to reduce or stop their drinking.
Young people aged 24 and under can contact the service via:
Call: 0330 128 1113
Email Change, Grow, Live
Online referral form (new window)
Adults aged 25 and over can contact the service via:
Call: 0330 128 1113
Email Change, Grow, Live
Online referral form (new window)”