Weight management services in West Sussex

If you are looking to lose weight there are a number of services available in West Sussex.

Please note that weight loss medication is not available through West Sussex Wellbeing. To discuss your options and eligibility for weight loss medication you need to speak to your GP.

Services available to all

  • Better Health

The free NHS Weight Loss Plan app on the Better Health website can help you start healthier eating habits, be more active, and start losing weight. The plan is broken down into 12 weeks .. take it a week at a time. 

To work out your Body Mass Index (BMI), use the BMI calculator on the NHS website.

Services available to anyone who is overweight or obese

The following services are available to anyone who is overweight (classified as having a BMI of 25+).

  • Gro Health – a free digital weight management programme, is being offered by West Sussex County Council to people who live or work in West Sussex.

    Developed to support people to lose weight, the programme can be accessed as an app or through a PC and provides personalised support for up to 12 months. The programme, which is available in 19 languages, aims to help people sustain healthy habits and achieve their goals by providing educational information, behaviour change activities, group, and one-to-one coaching. People can self-refer without the need for a GP referral.

    For more information, see our Gro Health page or, to sign up, visit the Gro Health website.

Please note that people with diabetes and/or hypertension may be eligible for the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme as a first choice (see last option in this list below) through referral from their GP.

  • West Sussex Wellbeing

Trained Wellbeing advisors can offer tailored advice, support and motivational interviewing. Each Wellbeing Service run their own 12-week Weight Management courses that can be accessed by anyone who lives or works in West Sussex, with a BMI of 25-40. Courses are either in person or offered virtually.

For more information contact your local Wellbeing team via the details below. The referral form links provide access to each Wellbeing service's secure contact form:

A 12-week online behavioural and lifestyle programme for those with diabetes and/or high blood pressure. To be eligible for this Programme you must meet the criteria below and be referred by your GP.


      • 18 or over
      • Have a BMI greater than 30 (or 27.5 for people from Black, Asian, and ethnic minority backgrounds).
      • Have diabetes, high blood pressure, or both.
      • Have access to a smartphone, tablet, or computer with internet access.

Details for GPs on how to refer to this programme can be found on the NHS website.

In addition, individuals may be eligible for the National Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP). You can find out more about this programme on our Pre-Diabetes page.

For support with a BMI of 40+ please contact your GP to access Tier 3 weight management services in West Sussex.

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